Testimony Time
I would like to give honor to God, my pastor saints and friends. 
This past Sunday morning, December 6th, as I was walking out to my car to leave for church, I noticed that someone's taillight cover was laying in front of my vehicle. I found that odd & picked it up to get it out of my way. Then I noticed that no one was parked on either side of me & then I looked around some more & saw shards of reflector glass in back of & to the right of my car. I go to the right side of my car & lo & behold the owner of the taillight was missing a tail light because he used my car to take it off!! The jive turkey swideswiped me so bad, that even my wheel well is scratched up & of course left no note, contact info etc...!
After I take tons of pics like I'm CSI, I went back into my home to get the nonemergency ph# for the police & was thinking, "I wont' be able to ever know who hit my car & I'll have to pay the $500 deductible for this", so I'm just fuming. But the Holy Spirit said, "but you've got evidence lying on your table". So, I was like ok, I sure do & I can investigate if necessary. So, I'm patiently waiting for popo, finishing my breakfast letting my spirit settle & hoping everyone remembered their dishes for our family & friends food day when I see popo come up. So, I get out the car & show him the fragments & explain the situation & as I pull out the taillight cover, I'm telling him that I'm sure it should be easy to determine the make & model, since it's intact. He takes it & says the following " Why that's to a Pontiac GrandAm. (brief pause) Matter of fact, I had a Pontiac Grandam towed this morning & I think it was missing a tail light cover". He immediately radioed the towing place & told them not to release it as it was now under investigation, took my details & said I'd be mailed the report.
Got my report yesterday, called his insurance today & expect to hear from their adjusters by Friday.
No one can ever tell me "there is no God" Trials & tribulations will allways come, whether you're a saint or sinner, how you weather the storm, is where HE comes in.
Organ music please!! Doing my sanctified shout now!!

This past Sunday morning, December 6th, as I was walking out to my car to leave for church, I noticed that someone's taillight cover was laying in front of my vehicle. I found that odd & picked it up to get it out of my way. Then I noticed that no one was parked on either side of me & then I looked around some more & saw shards of reflector glass in back of & to the right of my car. I go to the right side of my car & lo & behold the owner of the taillight was missing a tail light because he used my car to take it off!! The jive turkey swideswiped me so bad, that even my wheel well is scratched up & of course left no note, contact info etc...!
After I take tons of pics like I'm CSI, I went back into my home to get the nonemergency ph# for the police & was thinking, "I wont' be able to ever know who hit my car & I'll have to pay the $500 deductible for this", so I'm just fuming. But the Holy Spirit said, "but you've got evidence lying on your table". So, I was like ok, I sure do & I can investigate if necessary. So, I'm patiently waiting for popo, finishing my breakfast letting my spirit settle & hoping everyone remembered their dishes for our family & friends food day when I see popo come up. So, I get out the car & show him the fragments & explain the situation & as I pull out the taillight cover, I'm telling him that I'm sure it should be easy to determine the make & model, since it's intact. He takes it & says the following " Why that's to a Pontiac GrandAm. (brief pause) Matter of fact, I had a Pontiac Grandam towed this morning & I think it was missing a tail light cover". He immediately radioed the towing place & told them not to release it as it was now under investigation, took my details & said I'd be mailed the report.
Got my report yesterday, called his insurance today & expect to hear from their adjusters by Friday.
No one can ever tell me "there is no God" Trials & tribulations will allways come, whether you're a saint or sinner, how you weather the storm, is where HE comes in.
Organ music please!! Doing my sanctified shout now!!

I'm checking on the charges, as of today, nothing in the paper about it. I definately put that in the State DMV report I have to file in addition to the police report & I advised his insurance company that it was a hit n run as well. Nothing was noted in his file, so I guess he thought he was in the clear & didn't bother to report it to his insurance?